Bobcats Baseball is .500 After Rough Week

The Frostburg State University (FSU) baseball team is currently 11-11 after a rough week that consisted of losing their home opener to Marietta and a double header to Mary Washington.

Photo by: Torie Costa
Photo by: Torie Costa (TBL)

In the home opener, Marietta drew first blood in the top of the first inning. FSU soon answered when sophomore Bret Fogle scored off of a single hit by junior Mitch Fyffe. In the second inning, the Bobcats were still held to only one run, while Marietta scored four more times to increase their lead by four. Throughout the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh innings the Bobcats scored two points. Marietta, on the other hand, scored 12 points ending the game with an 18-5 win.

In pitching, sophomore Josh Clegg had an earned run average of one, senior Travis Brashear had an earned run average of two and one win, senior Dan Ryczek had six strikeouts, an earned run average of one and three wins, and first-year Nathan Klasmeyer had an earned run average of one. In hitting, Fogle had two hits with one run and one run batted in, Fyffe had two hits and one run batted in, sophomore Tre D’Amico had two hits, and senior Jason Paredes had one hit, one run, and one run batted in. In fielding, D’Amico had six putouts, junior Devin Griffith had four putouts, Fogle had one putout and assist, and junior Ryan Roell had three assists.

In the double header against Mary Washington, the first game was very defensive, only having scores in four out of eight innings. Mary Washington scored first in the fourth inning with six runs. In the sixth inning, they increased their lead to 10 with four more runs. The Bobcats eventually put points on the board with a Griffith single and a run in by both D’Amico and sophomore Duncan Poler. Both teams scored two more times to end the game at a 12-4 Mary Washington win.

Photo by: Torie Costa
Photo by: Torie Costa (TBL)

In the first game in pitching, Griffith had two strikeouts, an earned run average of zero, and one win, sophomore Colby Lee had an earned run average of one and one win, Klasmeyer had an earned run average of four and one win, and Clegg had two strikeouts, an earned run average of two, and three wins. In hitting, Roell had two hits, D’Amico had two hits and one run, Poler had two hits, one run, and one run batted in, and Fyffe had one hit and one run batted in. In fielding, Griffith had nine putouts and two assists, Fogle had three putouts and five assists, senior Nick Fuhrmann had two putouts and assists, and Poler had two putouts and assists.

Photo by: Torie Costa
Photo by: Torie Costa (TBL)

In the second game of the double header, Frostburg and Mary Washington were neck and neck throughout the game, which just like the last one, was a standoff. Mary Washington ended up pulling away in the eleventh inning in overtime scoring five to FSU’s one. The final score was 11-7 Mary Washington.

In pitching in the second game, junior Caleb Smith had an earned run average of three, two strikeouts, and two wins, senior Chase Delost had an earned run average of zero and seven strikeouts, and junior Mike Livingston had an earned run average of three, four strikeouts, and two wins. In hitting, Fuhrmann had two hits and one run, Fyffe had two hits, two runs, and three runs batted in, Fogle had one hit, one run, and one run batted in, and D’Amico had one hit and one run batted in. In fielding, Griffith had five putouts, Livingston had four assists, Fuhrmann had three assists, and D’Amico had two putouts.

Photo by: Torie Costa
Photo by: Torie Costa (TBL)
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