Arrest Pattern on Campus Property?

While this is still an ongoing and relevant case, there hasn’t been much word on the situation from Frostburg State University. On April 10, 2024 Jeffrey Franklin was arrested on first floor of Sowers by none other than University Police. He is facing at least eight charges with the possibility of more. The 19-year-old is faced with attempted kidnapping, assault in the first degree, assault in the second degree, reckless endangerment, carrying a concealed weapon, weapon on school property, disorderly conduct, and affray (disturbing the peace). But this wasn’t his first arrest, upon further research Franklin was previously arrested for possession of a firearm as a minor on June 21, 2022. On January 10, 2023, a guilty plea was set, and he was put on a four year, supervised, probation term as well as a three-year jail term that was later suspended, i.e. the probation. Now with his more recent charges, that case has been left, “reopened.”  On April 10, 2024, he was arrested and held without bond, and his preliminary hearing was set for May 3, 2024. On April 18, 2024, four more charges were filed. Disorderly conduct, failure to obey a lawful order, disturbing the peace/disorderly, and assault in the second degree. These four charges are classified as misdemeanors and are related to the arrest that took place just eight days prior. His hearing is scheduled for June 25, 2024, and his trial is scheduled for June 25 and June 28, 2024.

With recent arrests, faculty members have commented on those that have been made on campus. One commented, “I’m not sure of the advantages and disadvantages of arresting students on campus, but I would like to know about what happened and why it had to happen as it did,” (2024). When arrests happen on campus, like recently, it allows for escalation situations to arise. Especially if the arrested individual has a weapon. In a classroom with up to twenty or more students, emotions can arise and possibly turn deadly. Another professor commented, “Lots of respect for the Frostburg Police and their chief, personally I would want more communication. I wish they would understand what we need to do as teachers and protect our students. And I want to understand why they have to do what they do,” (2024). With no further explanation, it leaves a fog of frustration and confusion for the members of FSU.

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Recent Arrest on Campus

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