Frostburg City Council Commemorates Retired Police Force Members

The sun was setting and there was a chill in the air when Frostburg Mayor Robert Flanigan convened a public City Council meeting on the evening of Sep. 20. As Flanigan made the call to order, the audience stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and hear an opening invocation delivered by City Administrator John Kirby. At first, there were only 15 members in the audience. Then, there were 30. Then, there were 50. As the City Council set about its work, the room was filling with more and more citizens. This was not an ordinary meeting.

As the Council set about quickly working through the agenda, one item stood out – under the agenda section labeled “Special Recognitions.” George Kroll was listed as a retiring police officer. As this section of the agenda approached, there was some visible excitement in the room. Kroll approached the front of the room, flanked by Mayor Flanigan and Public Works Commissioner Kevin Grove, where Kroll was given a plaque and a formal recognition of his service to the Frostburg community. After the ceremonies were over, Flanigan spoke briefly about his time working alongside Kroll, saying, “George served the citizens very, very well over his 40 years.” At the conclusion of Flanigan’s brief speech, the room burst into applause.

Kroll was not the only retired police force member recognized at the council meeting. Former officer Kevin Grove, now Public Works Commissioner, and former City Police Chief Royce Douty were also recognized for their extended service on the Frostburg City Police force. Collectively, these three officers put in 120 years of service on the Frostburg City Police force.

Together, these three men were given multiple commendations and awards for their service. The office of Governor Larry Hogan sent a representative to the council meeting, whereby the Governor declared the “great respect, admirPicture1ation, and sincere best wishes” of himself and the people of Maryland for the retired officers. Frostburg State University’s own Police Chief Cynthia Smith represented University President Ronald Nowaczyk, who extended his sincerest congratulations and thanks to the retired officers on behalf of the campus community.

The former officers were awarded the 2018 Spirit of Frostburg Award, and they were also presented with commendations from the Maryland State Senate and House of Delegates by State Senator George Edwards and Delegate Jason Buckel. The three retired officers were also recognized for their service by the City of Cumberland, represented by Allegany County Commissioner Jake Shade.

As the Council session drew to a close, people slowly began to flood the sidewalks outside of Frostburg’s Community Center. Down the street, a band was playing. In City Place, near the heart of the city, a reception was being held for the retired officers. Strawberry shortcake was on the menu. Letters of thanks and appreciation from Frost Elementary students were pinned on bulletin boards around the room. There, the retired officers greeted and chatted with citizens.



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