Saudi Arabian Oil Fields Attacked

Iran takes blame from Saudi Arabia and the United States

On Saturday, Sept. 14th, Saudi Arabian oil fields were hit by airstrikes, effectively shutting down half of the kingdom’s oil production and causing a global spike in oil prices. Initially, Yemen’s Houthi rebels claimed responsibility for the attack, yet Saudi Arabia and the United States have both directed the blame towards Iran. Iran has denied the accusations thus far.

A spokesperson for Saudi Arabia cited the remnants of the missiles used in the attacks as proof of Iran’s involvement. In a briefing, he labeled the wreckage as clear Iranian technology and also used the direction of the strikes as evidence. Satellite imagery has shown that the airstrikes came from the north, while Yemen is located to the south of Saudi Arabia. An attack from the north could be from either Iraq or Iran. The spokesperson for Saudi Arabia said, “the attack was launched from the north, and was unquestionably sponsored by Iran.” Meanwhile, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has also accused Iran of perpetuating the attacks saying the “fingerprints” of Iran’s ayatollah were noticeable in the attacks.

Tensions in the Persian Gulf have been exasperated of late, as U.S. President Trump has forsaken the Iran nuclear deal and has applied additional sanctions on Iran. In the wake of the attacks on Saudi oil fields, President Trump has deployed U.S. troops to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to act in a defensive nature.

Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister, Adel al-Jubeir, has said that Saudi Arabia will wait to respond to the attacks until the investigation is concluded.

Neither the U.S. or Iran appear eager to engage in military action, with President Trump publicly saying he wishes to avoid war with Iran, while Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has also expressed caution in regards to military confrontation. However, Iran has threatened “all-out war” if Saudi or American strikes were to hit Iranian soil.




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