21st Annual Sloop Institute Recognizes Student Leaders

The Sloop Institute for Leadership Excellence was held on March 6th and 7th for the 21st year in a row. Honoring 38 of FSU’s top student leaders, the two-day conference was packed with opportunities for the students to learn and grow as leaders.
The event kicked off with dinner on Friday night offering the participants a chance to get to know one another. Bill Mandicott, the assistant vice president of student and community involvement, took the mic to share some opening remarks before handing it off the Dr. Tom Bowling, the former vice president of student affairs who discussed the importance of leadership especially in today’s world. Participants then took part in an ice breaker prior to having dinner. Following dinner, the student leaders participated in another ice breaker before Dr. Michael Monahan, the chair of the management department, engaged the students with a lively speech about the dynamics of leadership.
Saturday’s portion of the conference began with a breakfast and a round table discussion with members of Frostburg’s Foundation Board. Each table had different topics to discuss, offering a less formal setting for participants to interact with Frostburg alums.
Later in the day, students heard presentations from four Frostburg alums each sharing some insight on leadership.
Mary Beth Pirolozzi, class of ‘90/M’95, was the first to present, sharing advice on building and maintaining relationships. Pirolozzi is the Register of Willis in Allegany County.
Students then heard a presentation from Jonathan Williams, a 2013 graduate, who now works as the Lead Auditor in the U.S. Office of Personnel Management’s Office of Inspector General. He spoke about the importance of topic.
After lunch, Georgia Smith, class of ‘92/M’03, offered some tips about developing and implementing solutions. She serves as the Vice President of Settlement at Fiserv.
The presentations wrapped up with Cody Brill sharing the importance of developing a sense of purpose as a leader. Brill is a 2014 graduate of FSU and now is an accountant in the Garrett County Finance Office. Along with his wife and other leaders in the Garrett County community founded Foster Appalachia.
The weekend concluded with a cocktail hour and formal dinner with participants, alumni, students of the President’s Leadership Circle, and members of the FSU administration. Brianna Lindsey was awarded the Weimer Scholarship for the 2020-2021 academic year.
Coty Warn Forno, a 2006 graduate of FSU, wrapped up the leadership-filled weekend with a heartfelt speech about the role fear plays in leaderships sharing her own experiences and how great leaders get back up after being knocked down. Forno created and co-owns the Mountain City Center for the Arts.
To finish out the weekend, Dr. Artie Travis, vice president of student affairs, Brooke Myers, Dr. Sloop’s granddaughter, and Mandicott handed out medallions to each student leader upon completing the leadership institute.