Almost A Year Away: Where Will Your Vote Go?

Things To Keep In Mind For The Upcoming Election

Being a college student puts a lot of pressure on us ideologically, as we are figuring out what we believe and how it all fits into our life. Politics affect us, and if you are looking to vote in the 2020 elections, it is important that you are up to date with issues that affect us. If you don’t know if you want to vote in the 2020 elections, I think it would be a good start to investigate these topics and figure out what you believe. After researching topics, I have narrowed it down to a select few which have been highlighted in debates, campaigns, and on the internet. It is important to note there are plenty of other issues that affect us and are important to recognize, but to narrow it down, I feel like these issues represent the student population well.

Important Issues Facing College Students

Gun Ownership – 

As guns have become an issue on school grounds, as well as for some are part of their daily lives, it is important that students are aware of how gun restrictions affect their lives, as well as understand their constitutional rights surrounding gun ownership.

Censorship – 

Censorship has become a rising issue for college students, as we are all in a period where information is at our fingertips. Supports of censorship say that it is important to censor the things that could damage us as people and that we should not be exposed to things that are damaging. Others say censorship violates constitutional rights.

Healthcare –

On one hand, healthcare is argued to be an undeniable right, which is why many believe it should be free and given to citizens from the government. Others argue they should have the choice to choose which insurance they are receiving and if they wish to keep their private insurance. It’s also important to note that even though candidates’ views can be similar, they may also be different in many ways when addressing this issue.

Abortion –

The termination of pregnancy is often seen by supporters as a human right. Others see it as ending a human life. Knowing where you stand on this issue can help you decide where your vote will go.

Jobs – 

It is known all candidates wish to provide people with more jobs. The argument is in how the jobs will be created and their availability. This issue greatly affects us as college students because we will all be looking for a job out of college.

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