Bobcat Athletes in the Spotlight

Athlete: Taylor Hackett

Sport: Women’s Field Hockey

What are you most excited for while being able to compete again- The thing I am most excited for is the chance to compete with all my new teammates. We have twelve new players on the team that have not played with us yet. Each of them have so much talent and raise our program to a new level. I can not wait to see how we connect as a team in a game this semester. 

What are some challenges you had to face while not competing- I have not played since I was out on a concussion injury, so it has been a little longer since my last game than everybody else. I struggled for a while to get back into the game and into my academics. But, I am back and doing better than before.

Advice to teammates- My advice to teammates would be to play with confidence. We have been practicing, conditioning, and lifting for a year now with no actual competition. We have been preparing for so long now and it is our time to show everybody how much we improved as a team.


Athlete: Parker Masters

Sport: Men’s Lacrosse

What are you most excited for while being able to compete again-. I am most excited to be around the boys and continue to cheer them on. 

What are some challenges you had to face while not competing- We have faced some challenges by not being able to compete in the fall and see how we would do against new opponents, but we still came out everyday that we were allowed to practice and gave it our all. 

Advice to teammates- My advice to teammates would be to treat everyday like it is a game day. Let’s keep the juice going!


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