Bobcat Athletes in the Spotlight

Athlete: Chase Stottlemyer

Sport: Men’s Soccer

What I Will Miss Most While Not Having a Season: What I miss most is the competitive aspect. The feeling of game day, and suiting up for each game. It was really a bummer for me to not have a fall season this semester since this is my last semester here at Frostburg (I will be graduating early).

What I Like Most About Soccer: What I like most about soccer is the friendships I’ve formed throughout my entire life. I’ve made so many friends just through soccer that I will be friends with forever. Soccer, just like any sport also taught me discipline, leadership, time management, commitment, and so much more.

Advice to my Teammates: My advice to teammates or any soccer player would be to just enjoy and love playing the game. There will come a day when you realize you will no longer play the game you loved anymore, and for me that’s going to be very soon. It goes by so fast and for most players they stop playing after high school. I was fortunate enough to play an extra 4 years of competitive collegiate soccer.


Athlete: Drew Dunathan

Sport: Women’s Basketball

What I am Looking Forward to: For this basketball season, I am looking forward to getting to know the new group of girls who are coming in, since we brought in 7 new girls. I am also looking forward to hopefully playing this winter, and just getting back on the court!

What I Like Most About Basketball: What I like most about basketball is that the team isn’t big. We have 14 girls, and I would say that we are all close and we all get along, which makes lifting and conditioning fun. We all push each other and cheer each other on, and personally when my teammates are cheering me on it pushes me to work harder!

Advice to my Teammates:  Advice I would give to my teammates would be don’t rush because these four years go by so fast. Although lifting, conditioning, and practicing can suck sometimes. It also can get repetitive, but once it’s over you’ll wish you could go back. So, just take in every second while you can!


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    October 21, 2020 at 2:29 pm
    Bilal Ashraf
    October 29, 2020 at 6:41 am

    I used to play basketball in my childhood but later never got a real chance to try my skills lool, jokes apart as a writer at digital agency Karachi i can throw some light from my experience on your writing, and would say you did a great job and some freaky skills you must try more moving your pen on screen.