Campus Community Reacts to COVID-19

The Bottom Line solicited reactions from staff, faculty, and staff regarding COVID-19, Frostburg State University’s response and preparation plan, as well as personal concerns about the threat of an outbreak. This reporting will continue to be updated.

This is what they had to say:

“The coronavirus is a threat that most students easily shrug off. It has the capability to put countries on lockdown (as we can see in Italy). I think the thing we keep missing is the coronavirus doesn’t have any immediate symptoms and that’s why it’s so dangerous. As far as the school going into lockdown, the contingency plans can only hold up for so long especially with student who need/seek extra help. I’m more worried about absolute lockdown and how it’ll affect my jobs. I don’t think it’s exaggerated, but I do understand the lack of panic.” – Hasan Levithan, student

“Today I heard they may not have commencement. As a graduating senior, this is disheartening. That is relatively far away to make that choice… I think the school could be doing a better job of informing us about what is going on. It seems like a lot of emails are saying, ‘we are talking about it’ but there are not a list of possibilities. Teachers seem to be frustrated because they do not know either… I wish the school would send out better information on how we should prepare ourselves. Will we be allowed to come back to campus if things go south? What happens to food sources on campus? What is going to happen about teachers who refuse to use Canvas?” – Maddie Fick, student

“I will gladly walk across that stage in an empty arena to receive my diploma!” – George R. Robinson III, student

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Statement by University System of Maryland Chancellor Jay A. Perman: Guidance on USM Spring Break, Distance Learning, and Related COVID-19 Preparations

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University President Hosts Student Forum on Coronavirus Response Plan