CES Presents: Johnny Peers & The Muttville Comix

On Saturday, Sept. 14, the Cultural Events Series presented Johnny Peers & the Muttville Comix in the Performing Arts Center with performances at 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.

Johnny Peers leads a cast of rescue dogs through challenging and funny tricks as he plays the ringleader of the pack. Peers is a Ringling Brothers Clown College graduate and has been working with dogs since he got his first puppy, a beagle mix named Freckles from the Humane Society. Most of the dogs have been rescued from shelters and pounds.

Johnny Peers & The Muttville Comix have appeared on numerous shows such as Late Night with David Letterman and Primetime Live. He has also performed at Disneyland, the Big Apple Circus and the White House.  Johnny Peers’ performance in PAC was his first in Frostburg and was charitable in nature with a dollar of each ticket going to Allegany County Animal Shelter.

The show is family-friendly and had a lot of jaw-dropping moments. Peers has two dogs named Murphy and Willy whose talent of ladder-climbing amazed the audience. The dogs are highly trained and can do backflips, slide down a slide, jump rope, and more. The kids loved seeing the pups perform and laughed while having lots of fun.

The audience was also involved in the show. Peers told the audience to say “stop” and “clap” for the dogs. He also had five people, mostly kids, come onto the stage and help the dogs do some tricks.

At the end of the show, Peers had one of the dogs use a wishing well to put up a sign “The End” and the audience cheered and clapped for them. Kids had the opportunity to come on stage to take pictures with Peers and the dogs for free and could also hug and pet them.

Jonny Peers & The Muttville Comix is great for family-fun!

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