CLAS Dean Dr. Joseph Hoffman Announces Retirement

In an email distributed on Friday, September 29, to Frostburg State University (FSU) faculty and staff, FSU Provost Elizabeth Throop announced that dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS), Dr. Joseph Hoffman, will retire from his position effective January 1, 2018. Currently, Hoffman is the only permanent dean leading one of the university’s three academic colleges. The College of Business is being led by interim dean Dr. Sudhir Singh, and the College of Education is being led by interim dean Dr. Boyce Williams.  Searches for permanent deans to lead those two colleges are ongoing.

The departure of Dr. Hoffman comes during one of the most sustained periods of widespread administrative turnover in the history of the institution.  On June 30, deans Dr. Clarence Golden and Dr. Ahmad Tootoonchi, of the College of Education and College of Business respectively, both retired from FSU after long tenures at the institution.

Hoffman’s service to Frostburg State University began 36 years ago. He served 14 years as chair of the Department of Physics and Engineering, three years as associate dean, and 14 years as dean.  During his current tenure, Hoffman played a significant role in the design of the updated Compton Science Center and the Gira Center for Communication and Information Technologies. He also has devoted his time at FSU to promoting undergraduate research, improving curriculum and instruction, and serving the greater Frostburg community.

In her email to the campus community, Dr. Throop said, “Since I met Dean Hoffman last December, he has been a continual, and collegial, support, providing important institutional history and adapting to culture change with grace. I have relied on his insights regarding the many strengths of the College and I know he will continue to respond to my requests for information and perspective.” She added that she will soon announce plans for addressing the future leadership of CLAS.

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