Continued Turmoil in the Search for a New Vice President of Student Affairs

The Search Committee responsible for nominating candidates for the position of Vice President of Student Affairs learned last week that one of the two finalists, Dr. Kahan Sablo, has withdrawn his name from candidacy, according to a member of the committee. Sources say that President Ronald H. Nowaczyk has asked the committee to nominate a new candidate for consideration.

Dr. Kahan Sablo | via Sablo's twitter
Dr. Kahan Sablo | via Sablo’s twitter

Dr. Kahan Sablo, a current Assistant Vice President of University Life at George Mason University, visited FSU’s campus in mid-November for two days of interviews and forums with staff, faculty, and students. Sablo’s previous history included campus diversity and advocacy of the LGBTQIA+ community. Moreover, Sablo had spearheaded a university childcare program, which is an upcoming goal of the newly formed non-traditional student organization. 

TBL reached out to several members of the search committee, including the Chair, Mr. Leon L. Wyden, Jr., Vice President of Administration and Finance, for comments regarding Sablo’s motivations for withdrawing his candidacy. As of press time, there has not been a response. 

Sablo’s withdrawal is the second turnover for the position of Vice President of Student Affairs. On Nov. 14, Interim Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Jeff Graham withdrew his candidacy in response to an investigation conducted by TBL’s. That story can be found here. Graham continues to be employed by FSU as the Interim Vice President while the search for a permanent administrator carries on. 

Dr. Artie Travis
Dr. Artie Travis

The Search Committee replaced Graham as a candidate with Dr. Artie Travis, the current Vice President of Student Affairs at Bowie State University. Dr. Travis visited campus prior to Thanksgiving and similarly participated in two days of forums and interviews. Travis cited Dr. Thomas Bowling, Vice President of Student Affairs, Emeritus as a mentor. Travis’ professional experience includes service in the United States Army and in diversity, equity, and inclusion programming. For TBL’s coverage of Travis’ student forum, see Noah DeMichele’s story here.

With finals looming and the end of the semester fast approaching, it is unclear as to when the search committee will reconvene to offer President Nowaczyk a fourth candidate. Furthermore, it is unknown if students, faculty, and staff will have the opportunity to meet the candidate prior to winter break.

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