Crime Line 1/23 – 1/29

1/23/19 Request For Officer: An Ort Library employee reported a female subject, a non-student, has been coming into the library but not wanting to leave at closing. Subject has become agitated in the past when library staff has asked her to leave. Officers responded and stood by during closing to insure there were no problems.


1/24/19 Parking Complaint: Caller reported students parking in the red spaces designated to the CAPS staff by Cumberland Hall.


1/27/2019 Request for Officer – Officers were initially called to Annapolis Hall for a CDS odor. Officers were directed to “disregard” as Mr. Graham was on scene and could not locate smell.


1/27/2019 CDS – Officers responded to Westminster Hall for a report of an odor of CDS.  The 5th floor was checked.  A very faint odor of possible CDS in the lounge area was detected.  There were no subjects in the lounge and no CDS was found in the area.


1/28/2019 Suspicious – Officers were dispatched to the area of Environmental Drive for a report of a suspicious male subject. Upon arrival to the area, the subject was identified in the Gunther Lot. The male subject advised he was just walking through campus. He was observed leaving campus. No further action taken.


1/28/2019 Tampering with a Motor Vehicle – A student came into Headquarters advising that while sitting in her vehicle in the Edgewood Lot, an unknown person attempted to open the passenger side door and found the door was locked. A review of the cameras overlooking the parking lot did show three individuals exiting Edgewood and walking through the parking lot. While walking in the parking lot, one of the suspects was observed attempting to gain entry by trying door handles on three different vehicles. The three individuals left the parking lot area. Investigation continues.


1/28/2019 CDS – Officers were dispatched to Frederick Hall for a report of suspected CDS use. A strong odor was detected in the hallway outside of the suspected quad. After entering the quad, the officer was able to determine what room the odor was emitting from. After making contact with the subject who resides in the room, she advised she was in possession of marijuana. Also, the female subject admitted she and a friend had smoked a marijuana cigarette. CDS and paraphernalia confiscated. Judicial Board submitted.


1/28/2019 Suspicious – University Police was notified by ID services of an inactive student wishing to obtain an old inactive student ID for identification purposes.  It was explained to the subject by ID Services that inactive students are not an FSU ID.  He was instructed to go to the MVA to obtain an Identification card.


1/29/2019 Request for Officer –While working a special detail at the bookstore a student informed the officer that he placed his book bag down and it went missing.  After reviewing the Ocularis Video System, it was learned that a female sat her book bag near the missing book bag.  Both were similar in colors.  This female was located it was learned she had mistakenly picked up the wrong book bag.  The bags were exchanged and back in possession of their proper owners.


1/29/2019 CDS – Officers were dispatched to Frederick Hall for a report of  CDS odor. There was an odor in the area, however officers were unable to locate a source in the area.  Officers cleared and spoke with the RA as they exited.


1/29/2019 CDS – Officers returned to Frederick Hall for a CDS Complaint.  Upon arrival an odor of Marijuana was evident in the quad.  Two students, who inadvertently brought the smell back into the quad on their clothing, admitted to smoking marijuana off campus.  The officer explained the rules of FSU disallowing any kind of smoking on campus and the law and code of conduct concerning CDS.  Both students were judicially referred.


1/29/2019 CDS – Officers were dispatched to Frederick Hall Quad for a report of  CDS odor. There was an odor in the area however officers were unable to locate a source in the quad.  Officers cleared and spoke with the RA as they exited.


Summary period includes 53 calls for service



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