Crime Line 3/7 – 3/12

03/07/2019 Request for Officer – Subject came into headquarters to report another vehicle parking too close to his.  Contact was made with the driver and advised him to move the vehicle.  The subject was also advised to purchase an updated parking permit.


03/07/2019 Parking Enforcement – Campus Grounds – 13 citations issued.


03/07/2019 Traffic Stop – Alley 33, citation issued for cell phone use.


03/07/2019 Escort – Person – Female subject contacted headquarters to request an escort on campus.


03/07/2019 Assist Motorist – Officers responded to Diehl Lot for a subject who is in his wheelchair and is stuck on the lift of the vehicle.  Officers were able to assist subject off the lift.


03/07/2019 CDS – While enforcing a traffic complaint at the intersection of College Ave and Bowery Street, officers observed a driver looking down not paying attention to the roadway.  Also, the driver was observed entering the intersection without coming to a stop.  A traffic stop was initiated.  Upon speaking with the driver, a strong odor of marijuana was emitting from the rolled down window.  As a result of the stop a warning was issued for driver using a handheld cellular device while vehicle was in motion, citation for failure to stop at the stop sign and a citation for possession of marijuana in an amount of less than 10 grams.  Subject was released from scene.  Subject was not an FSU student.


03/07/2019 Animal Complaint – Several callers reporting two dogs roaming University Drive. One lab and one mutt.  Lab appears to be aggressive.  Animal control responded.


03/07/2019 Parking Complaint – Headquarters received an email that included pictures reporting students parking in Framptom Lot.  Five (5) citations issued.


03/07/2019 Traffic Stop – Park Avenue / Hill Street. Warning issued for failure to stop at stop sign.    


03/07/2019 – Traffic Stop – College Avenue and Bowery Street. Warning issued for failure to stop at the stop sign, College and Bowery Street. Citations issued for failure to stop at stop sign and Bowery Street and Park Avenue intersection.


03/07/2019 Request for Officer – Officers responded to Fine Arts for a possible odor of natural gas.  Due to the nature of the incident all parties stood by outside until fire department arrived to investigate the odor.  Fire units were unable to locate any odors or concentrations of natural gas inside of the building.


03/07/2019 Theft – Misdemeanor – Officers were dispatched to the PE Center for a theft of shoes from the football locker room.  Investigation continuing. 


03/06/2019 Traffic Stop  –  While on patrol officers observed a vehicle on Bowery Street without current registration plates and validation tabs.  The driver was issued an E-TIX citation for the violation.  Also there was a pick up order for the SERO from MSP dated October 11, 2018.  Registration plated were removed from the vehicle and will be turned over to MVA.


03/06/2019 Alarm – Officers responded to an Alarm notification at the Appalachian Lab for an Unauthorized Entry.  Officers advised a housekeeper entered the building setting off the alarm.


03/07/2019 CDS – Officers responded to Allen Hall for a possible odor of CDS.  Contact was made with a student near the area of complaint on the second floor.  No odor could be detected.


03/07/2019 Damage to Property – University Drive @ Fine Arts Handicap Parking area.  Fire Truck backed into a light pole.  Facilities responded to stabilize the light pole until it could be removed.


03/07/2019 Assist Other Agency /Attempt to Locate – Assisted FPD in locating an elderly man with dementia. FSUPD Officers located the male subject and transported him back to his residence.


03/07/2019 Theft – Misdemeanor – Officers were approached in the PE Center by an individual to advise his signed event program book was stolen by unknown individuals.


03/07/2019 Noise Complaint – Officers responded to Allen Hall for excessive noise.  The occupants of the room below were contacted and advised to keep the noise at a minimum.


03/08/2019 Parking Enforcement  – Campus Grounds – 6 Citations Issued


03/08/2019 CDS – Officers responded to Allen Hall for an odor of marijuana.  Upon arrival there was strong odor emitting from the first floor. The source of the odor could not be located.


03/08/2019 Theft – Misdemeanor – A male subject from the ACIT Basketball tournament reported his shoes were stolen from the men’s soccer locker room.


03/09/2019 Assist Other Agency – Assisted FPD with a disturbance inside a residence on Wood Street.


03/09/2019 Assist Other Agency – Officers assisted FPD on Beall Street with a subject bleeding.  Officers stood by until all units cleared.


03/10/2019 Assist Other Agency – Assisted FPD with a traffic stop in the Pullen Lot.


03/10/2019 Assisted Other Agency- Assisted FPD @ F-Bar for a call for a disturbance and threats being made.  Upon arrival subjects were leaving.  One subject advised he was assaulted.  Further investigation by FPD, revealed no assault had occurred.


03/10/2019 Parking Enforcement –Four (4) citations issued to vehicles parked in spaces reserved for CAPS staff and visitors.


03/11/2019 Parking Enforcement – CAPS Lot, Frampton Lot, Susan Eisel Drive – 9 citations issued.


03/11/2019 Request for Officer – Officers responded to Pullen Lot for a subject sitting in a lawn chair on top of his vehicle.  Contact made with the student who advised he was waiting for assistance with a flat tire.  Subject climbed down from the roof of the vehicle.


03/11/2019 Parking Enforcement – Susan Eisel Drive – 2 citations issued


03/11/2019 Parking enforcement – Campus Grounds; 32 citations Issued


03/11/2019 Suspicious / Warrant Service for ACSO – Subject activating a Taser while walking around in the Lower Quad Area.  Officers made contact with the subject who was observed activating the stun gun.  A Wanted check on the subject came back positive for an active warrant for theft through Allegany County Sheriff’s Office.  Subject was arrested and transported to FSUPD.  Warrant served and the subject was transported to the District Court Commissioners for an initial appearance.  Judicial Board referral submitted.


03/12/2019 Request for Officer – Officers responded to Allen Hall for a disturbance between 2 males in their room.  Subjects were advised to keep the noise level down and to speak to the RLO office about a possible room change to help with the issues between them.


03/12/2019 CDS – Officers responded to Allen Hall for an odor of CDS.  Upon arrival the CDS odor was strong near the basement side of Brady Health but quickly dissipated.  Officers were unable to make contact with anyone in that area.


03/12/2019 Parking Enforcement – Susan Eisel Drive, Fine Arts Handicap Parking, Frampton Lot – 18 citations issued


03/12/2019 Damage to Property – Damage to Framptom Hall entrance glass facing Environmental Drive.


03/12/2019   Request for Officer – Officer requested to Frost Hall for an odor of smoke on 2nd and 3rd floors.  No smoke odor was detected.


Summary period includes 145 calls for service and 30 traffic stops



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Crime Line 3/20 - 3/26