Crime Line 8/27 – 9/4

08/27/2018 Found Property – Two Wilson tennis racquets were found between Pullen Hall and Hitchins Lot. Both are in the FSUPD lost and found

08/27/2018 Parking Detail – Officers spoke to 7 students attempting to park in Framptom Faculty Staff Lot. They were advised of other locations on campus they were permitted to park.

08/27/2018 Traffic Accident – A student came to FSU Police Headquarters to report a traffic accident, she advised a blue passenger car was struck in PAC Lot FSU. Officers informed the individual that UPD will generate a report and maintain license/insurance information should the driver contact FSUPD for further information.

08/27/2018 CDS – Officers responded to Frederick Hall for a suspected odor of CDS. Charges were preferred and the case was referred to the Judicial Board.

08/28/2018 – Assist other Agency Officers responded to a College Avenue residence to meet with complainant in reference to an unknown subject who had entered the residence. The area was canvased in search for the subject. Frostburg City Police are investigating.

08/29/2018– Hit and Run – Officers dispatched to Gray Hall Lot to speak to a subject advising that his Gray Ford Focus was hit while parked in the lot. The investigation is ongoing.

08/29/2018–Traffic Accident – Officers responded to the intersection of E. College Avenue and University Drive for an accident. Information was exchanged between both driver’s and the at fault operator was cited for failure to drive right of the center line.

08/31/2018 Alcohol Violation – FSU PD officers responded to Diehl Hall for underage drinking. One student was cited and a Judicial Board referral was completed.
08/31/2018 – Crime Prevention – An active shooter presentation was delivered in CCIT.

08/31/2018 – Assist other Agency (FPD) – An armed robbery occurred at the Frostburg branch of M&T Bank. Mt. Ridge and Eckhart Schools were placed on lock down. FSUPD officers patrolled looking for a suspect matching the description given.

09/01/2018 – Alcohol Violation – While patrolling Center street officers observed several subjects holding aluminum cans and red solo cups. One citation was issued for possession of an alcoholic beverage under the age of 21.

09/02/2018 – Assist other Agency – Officers assisted Allegany County Sheriff’s Office with a traffic Stop with a search of a vehicle based on an odor of CDS. CDS was recovered during the search. Two subjects were arrested, no FSU students involved.

09/02/2018 – Fraud – Subject sent an e-mail requesting to speak with an officer about his phone account being “hacked” and that sensitive personal information was accessed from the phone. Follow-up at this time was unsuccessful.

09/03/2018 – Disturbance – Officers responded to a report of a male and a female who were arguing. Following contact with the officer both parties left the area on foot towards their off campus residence. Officers monitored their route via the camera system observing that they left the area without further incident.

09/03/2018 – Skate Board Complaint – Officers observed a male subject riding a skateboard in the Performing Arts Center Lot of Frostburg State University. He was informed not to skateboard on the campus of Frostburg State University and, if he does, he can expect further punishment through the University. He was released from the scene with a verbal warning.

09/03/2018 – DOP –Officers responded to the Gira Center for Communications and Information Technology (CCIT) Building, Frostburg State University, for a possible destruction of property complaint, involving a shattered window on the second floor of the building. The investigation is continuing.

09/04/2018 Hit and Run An officer responded to the upper Pullen Parking Lot for a report of a hit and run accident. Contact was made with the complainant. Following review of the video surveillance system the driver of the suspected vehicle was located and she was issued warning for failure of vehicle driver in accident to locate and notify owner of unattended vehicle of damage.

09/04/2018 CDS Units responded to Frederick Hall for an odor of CDS. Officers were not able to make contact with subjects in the suspected room where odor was emitting. Units cleared the scene.

Summary period includes 160 calls for service 29 Traffic Stops

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