Crime Line 9/12 – 9/18


09/12/2018– Community Policing – Officers spoke to students about safety on campus.


09/12/2018 – Alarm – Smoke detector activated in Alan Hall. Officers responded – Detector malfunctioning.  Facilities was contacted.


09/12/2018– Parking Complaint – Faculty complaint regarding students parking in the new faculty / staff parking spaces in Cumberland Lot.  2 citations issued.


09/13/18   Notification: A juvenile in the Read to Succeed program reported possible drug use in his home to FSU ECHOSTARS staff. University Police and Social Services/Child Protective Services were notified.

09/14/2018– Alarm – Officers responded to Frost Hall in reference to a smoke detector activation. The alarm was reset.  Fire companies did respond and were advised that a smoke detector had activated due to smoke from an electric toaster. Fire departments cleared without incident.


09/14/2018– Traffic Accident – A traffic accident occurred in the gravel parking lot at Susan Eisel Drive/Stadium Drive.  Involved was an American Red Cross, Chevy box truck, which was backing up when it struck a silver Honda Accord.  A Motor Vehicle Collision Information Exchange Form was completed and a copy was provided to both parties.


09/14/2018– Traffic Accident – Officers dispatched to Public Safety Lot for a report of damage to an FSU Fleet Vehicle. Upon arrival, contact was made with the complainant. She advised that, while operating the van, she noticed the right turn signal begin clicking faster when activated. The top of the P/S tail lamp was observed to be broken, there also appeared to be fresh damage on the P/S rear bumper. All the fresh damage indicated that the vehicle either struck an object or was struck by another vehicle. Photographs of the damage were taken and included in the report.


09/14/2018– Traffic Accident –   Safe ride van was involved in an accident at the intersection of Center and Charles Streets.  The passenger was transported to WMRMC for non-life threatening injury. The van had disabling damage to the front bumper and grill. There were no injuries in the other involved vehicle.  The operator of the Safe ride van was issued 3 citations by the deputy.


09/14/2018– Traffic Arrest – Officers stopped a vehicle on Braddock Road for failure to display registration plates. As a result of the stop several citations were issued and the vehicle was towed.


09/15/2018– Fire Alarm – Officers responded to Westminster Hall 2nd Floor in response to a fire alarm due to smoke from burnt food, there was no fire. The fire department responded and ventilated the building.


09/16/2018– Hit and Run – Officer responded to the 7-Eleven Store parking lot in reference to a hit and run accident that involved Frostburg State University Safe Ride Van #15, to assist the FPD officer who is investigating. The damage to van #15 consisted of a scrape located on the corner of the driver’s side rear bumper from the unknown vehicle. FPD Officer received a copy of the store’s security camera recording from store employee and was able to witness the black vehicle back out of the parking space and strike van #15 driver’s side corner of the rear bumper with the corner its passenger side rear bumper. The vehicle was a Saturn, however the tag was not legible on the video. The vehicle exited the parking lot’s north entrance and turned east on Main Street.


09/16/2018– CDS- Officers were dispatched for a strong odor of CDS in Westminster Hall.  As a result of the investigation one student was judicially referred.


09/16/2018– Medical Emergency – Subject contacted HQ requesting an ambulance for an anxiety attack.  EMS notified and officers responded.  Subject was transported without incident.


09/17/2018 – Vandalism – Officers responded to Ort Library for graffiti in pencil on the brick wall of the fourth floor. A check of the area revealed the location of the graffiti was not in view of the camera system. The graffiti was removed.


09/17/2018– Traffic Stop– A traffic stop was conducted on College Avenue for failure to stop at a stop sign.


09/17/2018 – Emergency Phone – Headquarters received call from Emergency Blue light phone located at the PE Tennis Courts.  No response upon call back. Identified on camera system, 2 individuals walked past phone pushing the call button.  All was ok.


09/17/2018– CDS – Call for a CDS odor emitting from a room in Frederick Hall.  Upon arrival there was no noticeable odor of marijuana.


09/18/2018– Assist other Agency – Officers responded to Spring Street to assist FPD for a possible breaking and entering.  House was cleared with negative results.


09/18/2018– Traffic Stop– A traffic stop on Susan Eisel Drive resulted in a warning for failure to stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk and failure to display registration upon demand.


09/18/2018–Crime Prevention – Community Policing at CCIT.


09/18/2018 CDS – Officers responded to a call for an odor of CDS in Edgewood. After walking the floors officers were unable to determine the source of the odor.


09/18/2018–Damage to Property – Officers dispatched to the Cordts P.E. Center for a report of an individual breaking a basketball backboard and then fleeingSubject could not be located. At the time of the incident, it was undetermined if the act was intentional or accidental.


09/18/2018–Hit and Run – Officers responded to University Drive at Park Avenue regarding a hit and run motor vehicle accident that occurred.  Officers searched the area with negative results.  Charges will be filed if the suspect is identified.


09/18/2018–Fire Alarm-   Allegany County Dispatch notified FSU of a fire alarm at Frederick Hall.  Upon arrival smoke was present in the kitchen area.  It was determined students had burned food in the oven on the 2nd floor. The Fire Department arrived and inspected the area, no action needed.  Alarm was reset.


Summary period includes 132 calls for service and 14 traffic stops.

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