CRU Hosts “Is Christianity The White Man’s Religion”

On Sept. 8, Michael Crawford, a pastor from Baltimore, led a discussion about the correlation between white supremacy and Christianity. The event was held in Lane University Center’s Manicur Assembly Hall; there were around fifty attendees.
“When we ask is Christianity the white man’s religion make no mistake about the intent of the question; and the origin of it is saying there are some that believe that it was started, cultivated, sustained specifically for white people,” Crawford explained. He then went on to warn the crowd of the nature of his speech, stating everyone will not agree with his lack of political correctness.
After his opening, Crawford addressed the question of the night; “Is Christianity the white man’s religion? No!,” Crawford retorted. He gave five reasons why Christianity is not strictly a Eurocentric religion. The reasons are: creation, sin, redemption, restoration, and lineage. He believes these biblical topics are too inclusive for a white supremacist to create. Specifically, in Genesis chapter one the bible says, “We are all created in God’s image.” “I don’t think if you’re a white guy and you are trying to construct a religion for the sole purpose of subjecting people you’d start out by saying everyone is created equally. I think that would be kind of foolish,” Crawford said. He pointed out many places in the bible that contradicts the religion being strictly for those of European descent.
Crawford also discussed that Christianity was used as a tool to manipulate people, and he wanted Christians to address the religion’s past. “American History is littered with tragic immorality and systemic injustice,” Crawford said. He also discussed the association between African American history and religion; he talked about how oppression happened with Christianity mingled in. “Christianity was used as an instrument to actually subjugate people, to actually enslave people, to actually teach people that their place was lower than the white man,” Crawford said as he explained the history. He believes events such as those led people to question the religion.
Crawford ended the event with three conclusions: Christianity did not start with the white man, Christianity is susceptible to distortions, and Christianity should be investigated. He wants every Christian to constantly question their religion.