David Trone Makes Visit to FSU; Speaks to College Democrats

On April 4, democratic U.S. congressional candidate for district six, David Trone, made a stop along the campaign trail to speak to the College Democrats at Frostburg State University.  The Bottom Line had the opportunity to sit down with Mr. Trone and talk a bit about his campaign.

Trone started with the opioid crisis, “the reason it is important is because everyday 200 people are dying,” stated Trone. He referenced a 12 point plan, which can be found on his campaign website, to combat the opioid crisis; he said “there is no simple answer.” The campaign held two forums, one in Cumberland and one in Montgomery county to learn about the crisis and refine the 12 point plan to combat it.

A second issue Trone’s campaign is covering is education, “we are trying to get people to think about education in the long term perspective versus the short term,” stated Trone. The country wide discussion of free community college has made its way into the Trone campaign, as he stated, “there’s no reason why we can’t figure out how to have free community college or free technical school.” He continued to talk about how we cannot impose who we are as people onto others. In addition to talking about higher education, Trone talked about investing in pre-K for everyone. Trone stands by starting education earlier to allow students the opportunities to have better lives. Trone wants to “work and formulate new education policy.”

A group photo with David Trone and the students who heard him speak. (TBL/Nicole Leighty)
A group photo with David Trone and the students who heard him speak. (TBL/Nicole Leighty)

When asked what he saw as the biggest problem with American politics today, Trone told The Bottom Line that young people are losing faith and hope.  He talked about how young people shouldn’t just get angry and give up, but “double down” and “bother even more” to get the results they want. Trone talked about the reasons he is running for congress, saying, “I’m fed up…If you don’t step up it won’t change.”

Trone’s campaign is focusing on the constituent services, the “little details.” He wants people to come together to help those who are most vulnerable. He has not accepted any money from PACs or lobbyists.

Trone’s campaign is looking for volunteers and interns to be a part of the campaign. If interested, go to Trone’s campaign website.

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