Deep Creek Dunk
On Feb. 26, 2017, the 19th Annual Maryland State Police/Natural Resources Police Deep Creek Dunk was held in Western Maryland at UNOs Restaurant on the lake. People come from all over Maryland to participate in the Dunk; most are veterans of the event and have been dunking for years in order to raise money for Special Olympics Maryland. Frostburg State University students have been active participants in the Dunk festivities for years now, and this year was no different. Although Deep Creek takes about 45 minutes to get to, students feel connected to the cause and want to contribute what they can on that day.

As soon as you step foot into UNOs you can feel the excitement in the air as everyone waits anxiously to be let into the water. For those not participating themselves, there is plenty to take in. From several live bands, to even a live wood carving, there is something for everyone. Not only did Frostburg students dunk, but many volunteered to work the event. Brothers of Alpha Phi Omega worked registration to help the event run smoothly. Justin Smith, President of Alpha Phi Omega- AGX chapter, explains his experience: “Although it was not the best weather, the participants did not let it get them down. The crazy costumes were outstanding and very unique! I enjoyed every minute of registering the participants/donors with some of my brothers.”

To dunk themselves into the chilling waters of Deep Creek, each participant must raise a minim of $75 for Special Olympics Maryland. On Saturday, the crowds around the lake were several people deep as others collected to watch and cheer on their friends who were participating. Gathered together in shifts to dunk, participants were dressed in all sorts of outlandish outfits, from animal-themed footie pajamas, to bathing suit tops and tutus! As soon as they were given the go ahead, large groups of people raced into the water, high fiving police officers who were positioned to make sure no one got hurt, and sprinted right back out.

Ellen Engle, an senior at Frostburg State, would do it all over again if she had the chance. “I love Dunk because so many people come together for a great cause. The Special Olympics is a truly amazing organization to raise money for. They have had a major influence in the lives of many of my friends and their families, and their programs enrich the lives of many individuals across the country.”
A week later, donations are still rolling in, but at the time of the event $158, 993 had been fundraised. Be sure to keep a look out for registration next year to help contribute to this great cause and fun event!