Democratic Candidates & Their Views

With 8 democratic candidates in the running for the presidency, sometimes it’s difficult to keep track of each of their views. To help aid in the confusion, here are the top 5 polled candidates and collected their individual views and political opinions on topics that may shape the way you vote and who you vote for.

Bernie Sanders 

Economics: Sanders wants to increase the federal minimum wage to $15/h. Sanders also plans to spend $2.5 trillion to build more housing as well as boost section 8 housing.

Military: Sanders wants to drastically cut military spending as well as bring American troops back home.

Abortion: Sanders wants to put little to no restrictions on reproductive rights.

Death Penalty: Sanders seeks to abolish capital punishment.

Taxes:  Sanders seeks to raise taxes on the wealthy, as well as end capital gains for households who make above $250,000 a year. Sanders also wants to eliminate companies deferring taxes by offshoring.

Healthcare: Sanders 100% supports Medicare For All, as well as breaking patents off drug companies to make cheaper off brand versions of medicine readily available.

Immigration: Sanders does not support criminal charges for immigrants entering the country illegally. Sanders supports DACA.

Joe Biden 

Economics: Biden wants to increase the federal minimum wage to $15/h. He also claims that citizens should get paid time off to care for a newborn or sick family member.

Military: Biden seeks to boost military spending as well as keep troops deployed.

Abortion: Biden believes in restricting abortion after viability except if the pregnancy dangers the life or health of the mother.

Death Penalty: Biden seeks to abolish capital punishment.

Taxes: Biden seeks to increase taxes on the wealthy and cut capital gains for households making above $1,000,000 a year.

Healthcare: Biden believes the Affordable Healthcare Act should be built slowly by making small improvements, he opposes Medicare For All but would seek to expand coverage.

Immigration: Biden would choose to keep criminal penalties for illegal immigration.

Pete Buttigieg 

Economics: Buttigieg believes it is important to fund construction and rent subsidies, raise the minimum wage to $15/h, support paid leave, and invest in fixing income inequality.

Military: Buttigieg seeks to increase military funding and bring American troops home.

Abortion: Buttigieg finds it important to impose little no restrictions on abortion.

Death Penalty: Buttigieg seeks to abolish the death penalty.

Taxes: Buttigieg wants to eradicate tax cuts for large corporations, raise taxes for the wealthy, and place a 1% tax on security trades.

Healthcare: Buttigieg endorses more coverage for government run health plans and expanded coverage, as well as patent breaking for large corporations.

Immigration: Buttigieg supports DACA and believes the harsh treatment of immigrants at the border should be appealed.

Elizabeth Warren 

Economics: Warren advocates for more funding to build affordable housing, addressing income inequality by raising taxes on wealthy to create programs to help low-income families, raising the minimum wage to $15/h, and broad paid leave.

Military: Warren seeks to cut the defense budget and bring American troops home.

Abortion: Warren believes there should be few limits on abortion, if any at all.

Death Penalty: Warren seeks to abolish the death penalty.

Taxes: Warren wants to raise taxes for the wealthy as well as large corporation banks and create special taxes for the wealthy.

Healthcare: Warren completely supports the Medicare For All plan and supports government-run drug company.

Immigration: Warren supports DACA and believes that people that immigrate here should not be legally penalized, they should be helped.

Michael Bloomberg 

Economics: Bloomberg advocates for boosting funding for pre-existing housing programs as well as expanding Tax Credit for low-income households. Bloomberg also wishes to raise the federal minimum wage to $15/h and gives his support for paid family and sick leave.

Military: Bloomberg seeks to improve access to care for veterans

Abortion: N/A

Death Penalty: N/A

Taxes: Bloomberg seeks to increase the capital gains tax, raise taxes for the wealthy as well as create special taxes for the wealthy, and create a 1% tax on all Wall Street transactions.

Healthcare: Bloomberg opposes Medicare For All but seeks to expand coverage, as well as break patents on medicine to make cheaper versions available.

Immigration: N/A

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