Dr. Jay Perman to Become USM’s Next Chancellor

The University System of Maryland (USM) is best described as a system of public higher education. The USM is made up of twelve universities, three regional higher education centers, and one environmental research center. These institutions can be found all throughout the state of Maryland, including right here in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains. The Chancellor of the USM essentially serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the USM.

Robert Caret

Jay Perman, M.D., has been chosen by the USM Board of Regents to serve as the next Chancellor. Current Chancellor Robert Caret made the decision to leave this position at the end of his contract, which opened up a nationwide search for a replacement. Chancellors serve 5-year terms. Perman will serve as the fifth ever chancellor of the USM.

Perman presently occupies the role of the President at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) and has done so since 2010. He is credited with playing a pivotal part in issues regarding university accreditation, civic engagement, diversity and inclusion, and affordability. He also is a nationally recognized pediatric gastroenterologist that uses his knowledge and expertise in this field to prioritize the expansion of economic prosperity and health into the Baltimore region.

Jay Perman
Jay Perman

Dr. Perman is seen as both a trusted and valued member of the USM. Having been involved in higher education in a number of different ways for many years, he offers specialized yet unique insight into the system. Perman has previously chaired the Council of University System Presidents, implemented the Office of Community Engagement at UMB, and led the Maryland Healthcare Workforce Working Group which sought to analyze and improve the healthcare workforce within the state of Maryland.

Perman himself stated, “I am deeply humbled to be called to this responsibility. It will be a privilege to work as chancellor with our outstanding USM institutions to ensure that Marylanders—today and tomorrow—have the opportunities I was so fortunate to be given in gaining a higher education.”

Educators, leaders, and Marylanders alike have already come together to praise the appointment of Dr. Perman to this position. Perman will take on chancellor officially in July 2020, at the completion of Caret’s term.

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