Frostburg’s Chamber Singers and Wind Ensemble Concert


IMG_5477On March 1 in the Performing Arts Center, Frostburg’s Department of Music presented the Wind Ensemble and Chamber Singers in concert. The night began with a few words from band director, Shannon Shaker, thanking everyone for coming out and supporting the arts. The concert began with the Chamber Singers, directed by Scott Rieker and accompanied by Joesph Yungen. They began with, “Beherzigun” by Johannes Brahms, which loosely translates to “paying attention” or “an announcement.” They continued on to sing “Go, Lovely Rose” by Halsey Stevens, which is about a man in exile asking a rose to remind a woman that her beauty being unappreciated is a waste and that it is too often the most fair things in the world leave too soon. They moved to the worlIMG_5480d premier of “Meaning in Light” by Director Scott Rieker is his setting of poet Ted Kooser’s work “The Dead Tree.” The Chamber Singers ended their concert with the Wind Ensemble, performing, “Sure on this Shining Night” by Samuel Barber. Full of long flowing melodies, this song encompasses the health of the world and the beauty you can see.

After a brief intermission and stage rearrangement, the Wind Ensemble performed. They began their concert with a classic fanfare, “American Overture for IMG_5482Band,” by Joseph Wilcox Jenkins. The piece is high-energy and a great kickoff to a concert. They continued to play “Forgotten Children” by Peter Meechan, which was arranged when the war in Syria was covered by news channels. With electronic accompaniment, the overall effect was harrowing and very impactful. Next was “Flight of the Dragon” by Mollie Budiansky, who was a runner-up in last year’s female composers competition created by Shannon Shaker. A song made to celebrate the 125th anniversary of her school, it is full of energy and named after the school mascot, a dragon. The concert came to an end with band favorite “Vesuvius” by Frank Ticheli, named after the volcano that destroyed Pompeii. There are huge amounts of energy and power within the piece. It was a lovely night of music and performances that showcased the talent within so many Frostburg students. Make sure to keep an eye out for future concerts, as well.

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