Frostburg’s Residence Hall Association

Residence Halls are a vital part of the university. A significant amount the student body live in these halls. From Annapolis to Frost, without the residence halls FSU’s student population would be cut back drastically. Being crucial to the FSU community, the Residence Hall Association (RHA) plans to step up its presence within each hall. The Bottom Line had a chance to speak to Jericho Yantz, the standing president of the RHA, about what is coming in the future for residence halls and the RHA.

For those who are unfamiliar about the RHA, their primary purpose is to represent those who live in dorms on campus. The RHA association is not in charge of Residence Advisors, that job belongs to the Residence Life Office. The RHA takes concerns and complaints from residence hall members, but also will also host various types of programs for those who request funding for it. Currently, the RHA does not have a office on campus. Currently, there are four sitting freshman on the small counsel of the RHA, who are attempting to make a difference and give assistance to those who request it.

Meetings are hosted by the RHA every week on Thursdays at 5 p.m. in CCIT 156. Yantz is trying to spread the word in order for more students and staff to attend the meetings. The association is also attempting to rebuild hall counsels, as those are the primary means of communication between the residence halls and the RHA. Yantz mentioned that he wants residence hall students to know that, “we’re here to represent you. If you have complaints or if you want programs and something done, you can come. We’re basically here for you if you live in a hall or Edgewood.”

In the future, if the RHA had all the resources wanted available to them, Yantz wishes for the association to have a similar structure and office to the Student Government Association (SGA), for more students and staff to attend the weekly meetings, and to effectively reach the students they are representing.

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