FSU Senior Recognized with Governor’s Service Award

“I want to help people in the best way possible even if it’s something so minuscule just to help make their life just a little better if possible,” Mehki Jones, Frostburg senior said.

In October, Jones was honored with the National Service Award at the 36th Annual Governor’s Service Awards Ceremony hosted by the Governor’s Office of Service and Volunteerism in Annapolis. He was one of 19 individuals recognized at the ceremony by Gov. Larry Hogan.  The event celebrates outstanding volunteers in the state of Maryland. Honorees were chosen based on their service in 2018, demonstrating commitment to help in meeting the most pressing needs in Maryland.

“The Governor’s Service Award is a great honor to me,” Jones mentioned. “The fact that I was nominated and then happened to be chosen out of all the possible Marylanders that also serve and give unselfishly of their time to do the same thing as I, but for me to be chosen was a great feeling.”

Jones continued to say the award doesn’t mean he will stop offering his time to help others. To him, it means there’s more he can do to help others.

On campus, Jones is part of the executive board on Alpha Phi Omega, the national coeducational service fraternity. He is also involved with the AmeriCorps program. While he isn’t one of their official members, he still serves with them when he can.

While he served a few times in middle school, it wasn’t until a trip to Peru during the summer before his senior year of high school Jones found his passion for serving. The trip allowed for Jones to research Amazonian river life and witness how life for people and animals were in the region.

Upon coming to college, Jones wanted to “help people and learn more about myself and wanted something than what was the usual life for me.” This inspired him to join the EchoStars program during his first year at Frostburg to be able to positively impact the area.

“If I didn’t serve, I don’t think I would act or look at life the way it portrays itself,” Jones noted. “It has shown me that even some of the smallest interactions can change someone’s day, mind, outlook, and attitude.”

For more information about the AmeriCorps program at FSU, visit https://www.frostburg.edu/student-community-involvement/civic-engagement/ASTAR-Americorp/

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