Iota Phi Theta 2018 Probate



Friday night, campus fraternity Iota Phi Theta Inc. Epsilon Zeta Chapter held their annual probate to inaugurate new members. In Ordt gymnasium, students, community, and family members all gathered to watch six young men show their knowledge of Iota Phi Theta history, present themselves to the audience, and show some step skills.

The six men being inaugurated all began wearing masks, lined up with one another, and all in matching garb. They recited a large amount of the fraternity’s history all in sync and all very fast. They moved as a whole and supported one another throughout the entire event. They had to recite a number of things while in sync with one another, and the speed with which they were reciting was truly impressive to hear. They danced in sync with one another, yelled and screamed with all their might to really exhibit their dedication to their  newfound brotherhood.

IMG_4122After proving they knew the history, the ins and outs, and all the caveats of Iota Phi Theta, each new member introduced who they are, their major, and their grade while exhibiting a piece of their personality as they were welcomed as a new brother. Iota Phi Theta was founded on “the Development and Perpetuation of Scholarship, Leadership, Citizenship, Fidelity and Brotherhood among Men,” and The Bottom Line wishes these six new members luck in their new paths.

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