KJ Osborn’s Heroics

You are driving on the road on your way to an important appointment, and on your way there you see a car on fire and civilians stuck in the area. What would you do? The honest answer for most people is to keep driving, hope that all will be well, and keep it pushing. On Sunday, March 5th, Minnesota Vikings wide receiver KJ Osborn took that opportunity to be nothing short of a hero to those that were in dire need of help.

Osborn was Ubering to a workout when he and his uber driver saw a car that was on fire. They pull over as a result of the accident they saw, and initially, Osborn began to run over to help the man he sees. Osborn addressed the media about this event that took place Sunday and claimed, “As I am running there… The closer I get I’m like uhh […] my mom is in my head and my family, and I’m like I’m risking a lot here.” 

Osborn was able to fight off those thoughts after he saw his Uber driver take great initiative in trying to get him out of the car. “He went right up to the car, he opened the passenger door, he’s talking to this guy.” “Looking back, I think that kind of motivated me to be like we got to save this guy. [not] Because I’m a football player or anything, none of that matters. This guy’s life [his Uber driver] is important. The driver was able to get some strength to lean over so we went down to pick him up.”

To say this was a great gesture from Osborn and those who helped would be an understatement. Sometimes we believe athletes to be divas that are partaking in a seasonal reality, but this proves that there are athletes all around that are willing to risk their lives to bring good to the world. Whether on Sundays in the Fall at 1:00 pm, or a faithful Sunday evening when no one is watching.

Osborn left us with a statement that said: “Most of the time the saying goes ‘wrong place wrong time.’ But this time I believe God had me, us, at the right place at the exact right time.

Last night these three absolute heroes helped me save a man’s life by rescuing him from a vehicle up in flames after a bad crash. A situation I’d never imagine being a part of in a million years. I’ll leave you with this. God is real. And His LOVE is real. He will send his angels to be camped around you and provide you with his grace and mercy.”


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