Lockdown Allows Nature to Heal
As of March 13, 2020, the United States declared the COVID-19 pandemic a national emergency along with many other countries. Though while millions stayed at home and quarantined, the world was not as restless. Just a few weeks into quarantine, satellite imagery showed signs of less pollution in the air over the United States. The satellites recorded decreased levels of nitrogen dioxide. Nitrogen dioxide is released into the air with the burning fuel from transportation or from power plants themselves.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), nitrogen dioxide can reduce the quality of the air we breathe. This can lead to various health risks such as increasing the risk of respiratory infections and can contribute to the development of asthma.
However, the United States is not the only place that nature has began to heal itself. Across the globe, countries are benefiting from the reduced air pollution. In February, carbon dioxide emissions had reduced by a quarter.
A notable example is the water in Venice, Italy becoming clear for the first time in decades. As quarantine has reduced tourism and boat traffic in the canals, the water has returned from its usual muddy brown to a crisp, clear blue thanks to the sediment in the water being able to settle. With the water now clear, fish and other aquatic life has been observed in the canals.

Though the level of water pollution may not have decreased, officials have noted an improvement in the quality of air thanks to less motor boat traffic. Along with this, the city’s power demands have also dropped notably.
Venice was not the only place to see a return of wildlife due to the absence of humans. On March 12, hordes of monkeys took over the streets of Lopburi, Thailand in search of food since there were no tourists to feed them. And then on April 21, a flock of sheep were seen in Ebbw Vale, Wales roaming the quiet town.
As many countries continue to quarantine the positive effects to the environment continue to grow. As it continues, the world may continue to heal and we may see greater benefits as the damage we have caused is slowly reversed.
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