Netflix Junkie: Alexa & Katie

Alexa & Katie Netflix logo (Netflix)
Alexa & Katie Netflix logo (Netflix)

Cancer is hard to talk about. When someone makes a show where the main character has cancer, sometimes it can be difficult to watch. However, Alexa & Katie tackles the topic of cancer in a lighthearted way that makes it easy to understand. The show is geared towards families or older children, but it can be enjoyed by anyone. The characters, while a little corny and somewhat cliche, are easy to sympathize with, and not just because of the cancer.

Scene from Alexa & Katie
A scene from Alexa & Katie.

The show centers around best friends Alexa and Katie. Alexa has Leukemia, and no one knows except for her family and Katie’s. The girls are trying to keep their lives as normal as possible. They’re about to start high school, and Alexa is cleared to start on time. The only snag in their somewhat normal lives is when Alexa’s hair begins to fall out due to the chemo. There’s only one thing a best friend can do at that point: shave her own head in solidarity.

Relay for Life logo (American Cancer Society)
Relay for Life logo (American Cancer Society)

There is one season currently streaming on Netflix. This may seem like a kids show, but it’s funny and heartwarming. Anyone can enjoy Alexa & Katie.

The fight against cancer is an ongoing battle that the human race faces every day. We need to do our part to help find a cure. If you are able to, consider donating to Relay for Life. Also, make sure to come to Frostburg’s Relay for Life event on April 27 on the field. There will be amazing activities planned, and it’s all for a great cause. Come out and support the fight against cancer.

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