Netflix Junkie: Sierra Burgess Review

High school sucks. Let’s face it. Looking back at high school for some people is like experiencing the trauma of those four years all over again. For some people, high school was great and they can look back on it fondly, but even for those people, high school still kind of sucked. Netflix’s new original movie, Sierra Burgess is a Loser, encapsulates the feeling of high school in the modern age perfectly.

The movie seems, at first, like it’s going to be the typical storyline of the popular boy falls in love with the less than popular girl, and it pretty much was. However, there were a few characters that made it better. For starters, the movie centers around Sierra Burgess, a high school senior who is trying to find her niche to put on her college applications. She is, in lack of a better word, a loser. Veronica is the meanest and most popular girl in the school. The film then starts to feel incredibly cliche.

The main male lead, Jamey, asks Veronica for her number. She agrees, but instead of giving Jamey her number, she gives him Sierra’s number. She does this because, as she says, “only losers hang out with losers,” and she thinks his friends are losers. Of course, the cliche continues into more modern features of society as Jamey texts Sierra, thinking she’s Veronica, and Sierra goes along with it. Now, of course, it seems like a stereotypical 80’s film with a catfishing storyline added on. Which, to be fair, is kind of what this is.

Sierra Burgess is a Loser poster (2018)
Sierra Burgess is a Loser poster (2018)

The best character in this movie was not Sierra, however. It wasn’t Jamey either. It wasn’t even Sierra’s best friend, Dan, who has some of the best comedic relief in a Netflix movie. The best character in this movie was Veronica. Veronica starts out as the mean girl, the one who seems to get everything, and is horrible for no reason. She is one of the easiest characters to hate at first. However, Veronica is the most redeemable and loveable character Netflix has ever portrayed on screen. We learn about her awful home life and how pressured she is to be perfect. We practically see her being coerced into a situation she doesn’t want to be in. She is expected to always do whatever will make her appear popular. The best thing about Veronica, the thing that sets her apart from other cliche mean girls in movies, is how she befriends Sierra.

Sierra and Veronica become quick friends as they help each other in their plots to win over their guys. Unlike most films, though, when Veronica and Sierra are seen in public together, and Veronica’s friends try to get her to ditch Sierra, Veronica stands up for her friend. She essentially loses all of her popularity to be friends with Sierra, and it doesn’t really faze her. Most people in movies, and even a lot of people in real life, would not be able to fight this peer pressure. Veronica was able to.

Towards the end, Sierra thinks that Veronica has betrayed her. She then logs into Veronica’s Instagram account and publicizes a secret. This act, for most people, would be unforgivable, especially since Veronica did not betray her and she didn’t even give her a chance to explain. Veronica forgives Sierra almost immediately. She even helps make sure that Sierra gets the guy anyways, regardless of what she did. Veronica is the single most amazing character in this otherwise pretty standard movie. Without Veronica, the movie would be pretty good. With Veronica, the movie is astounding.

The most satisfying scene in the movie is the reunion scene at the end. The most important reunion in Sierra Burgess is a Loser is not Sierra and Jamey. Sure, it was cute and everything we would hope for in the cliche romantic comedy. But Veronica and Sierra? Their reunion made the movie feel complete. Their friendship is the real reason to watch this movie.

There is also the fact that Sierra writes and sings an amazing song about being a sunflower instead of a rose, and I think so many people can relate to the emotions and the words. Watch this movie if you haven’t yet. You will not regret it.

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