Netflix Movie: “Nappily Ever After”

The Netflix movie “Nappily Ever After” is about an African American woman named Violet who was taught to always look presentable with her hair preferably straight.

In the beginning, the movie goes back in time to when she was a little girl, and she is doing a voice over as a woman explaining her childhood. Once a week, she gets her hair washed, conditioned, and flat ironed. However, being perfect at the age of eleven was not fun.

For example, she’s at the park and a boy says, “I bet I can hold my breath the longest.” She jumps into the pool and comes up and gets called a chia pet because her hair was no longer straight.

Her story fast forwards to years later when she is an adult, has a love interest, and wears her hair straight. She has a great career at an advertising agency and is working on her next project with a makeup company. After having lunch with her friends, she gets sprayed with a water hose by children and completely freaks out. It is her birthday and thinks her love interest is going to propose to her so everything has to be perfect, including her hair. She finds out it was a pair of earrings and decides to leave him.

As the movie progresses, she goes through different stages of her hair. Between these stages, there are reasons for why she does these different styles. She wears extensions, wigs, and eventually starts over and cuts her hair off and lets it grow as a way to begin a new life with her new love interest.

To figure out who this new love interest is, you have to watch the movie. Giving away the movie would be a spoiler, right? You won’t be disappointed. The reviews are amazing, and there is always something to look forward to in every scene.MV5BMzIzMWY0Y2YtMWM4My00MjZlLWI4YjAtMjNjMzE5YmVjM2M0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTMxODk2OTU@._V1_







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