New TEDx Organization Coming to FSU Campus

Ideas worth spreading: a saying that defines the values TED upholds. Chances are that every student has come across a TED Talk, whether it be in the classroom or online during their spare time. TED began in 1984 as a Technology, Entertainment, and Design conference. Now, TED is a nonprofit dedicated to spreading ideas, knowledge, and inspiration in the form of hard-hitting, resonating speeches on a global scale.

In the effort of branching out even further, TED also offers the ability for separate passionate individuals to organize their own TED events. One such individual is FSU senior, Madison Davis. Madison is a political science major with minors in graphic design and business administration. After hearing word of bringing a TEDx organization to Frostburg, The Bottom Line had the pleasure of asking Miss Davis some questions in order to, in true TED talk style, spread the idea!

The interview is as follows:

Q: How did you come up with the idea to create this organization?

 Davis: For me, personally, I have been a fan of TED Talks and felt that they showcased in-depth topics within a short span of time that could help to expand the knowledge one already has. I had heard of TEDx events before but became more aware of them once I got to college. Looking at the Frostburg community, both on/off campus and the local area, I felt that there could be more ways to truly connect us all. You see events of all sorts here on campus with varying focuses, but not as many that had the characteristics TEDx events and TED Talks emulate, while fostering greater community intertwining, at least on a larger scale. I have been researching this possibility for about a year and a half now and have gotten pointers from one of my high school friends who attends Penn State and is involved in their TEDx organization and event. This type of organization has a spot for everyone, no matter one’s interests, and I am so grateful for my amazing friends who helped me put this into action and make this vision become reality here at Frostburg.


Q: How will the organization work/operate? What will this organization do?

Davis: The way our organization will work/operate is through student ambition and passion for the organization and what it stands for. Structurally, we are made up of 5 teams including: Curation Team, Finance Team, Logistics Team, Communications and Marketing Team, and a Design Team. Organization-wise, this structure allows students to be able to focus on certain areas of interest, although all teams will be working together to create a cohesive club. If students are interested in event planning or PR experience, if they are more interested in management and behind the scenes tasks, or are interested in applying financial skills, for example, there are countless opportunities to really delve into those interests. In the spring, students can ‘apply’ to showcase their ideas in their very own TEDx Talk (more information regarding this to come at our information meeting!). If students would like to take on a greater role within the organization, we have a total of 8 Executive Director roles, with 4 currently available.

The nice thing about our organization, while it includes 5 teams with individualized focuses, is that we will be working as a whole to plan and carry out the big TEDx event in the spring. Additionally, by also participating and hosting different opportunities for students to practice public speaking skills, taking on leadership roles, expanding their intellectual horizons and more, we have a lot to offer. In this semester, since we are just starting out, the goal is to obviously bring awareness to campus of our presence but also start building our team in anticipation for the spring semester. Starting with our interest meeting, students will be able to see the basis of how we function. Since TEDx events are independently organized TED events, but licensed through TED itself, it allows us to make greater connections with a larger community. In the fall, we hope to hold workshops on public speaking and effective communication, collaborate with other organizations across campus, etc. There are a few things in the works already, and we are excited to see them through to really involve campus and help students connect more. I have been speaking with several professors, staff and other student organizations about ways to make this happen and to make it engaging for all students. For me personally, this organization will help to intertwine the many talents of Frostburg students to both the local community as well as try to connect us more with alumni. Frostburg has great resources, and if combined more frequently, the possibilities are endless. The one thing about TED and TEDx related topics is that there is something for everyone, from behind the scenes, to connecting with students and local businesses, to managing a team, to giving TED Talks on any idea imaginable that someone is passionate about – all of which will undoubtedly help to give students more leadership opportunities and opportunities to grow and explore their interests.


Q: How do you hope this organization will affect the campus and local community?

Davis: I hope this organization will help to foster closer relationships and partnerships between students and faculty/staff on campus as well as within the local community. There are so many great minds on this campus, and sometimes all they need is a platform to truly showcase it. My personal hope is that, through this organization, students will feel welcomed and excited to be involved in whatever capacity they prefer. With the TEDx events, since speakers could be from the student body, staff/faculty, alumni, local community, etc., the increased interaction between these bodies is something I personally hope will become more frequent; it’s all about taking that first step to get the ball rolling. Likewise, with the big TEDx event, there will be portions of the program where other student organizations can perform and showcase their talents, which can extend to community members as well. The nice thing about starting an organization from scratch is that the possibilities are endless, and therefore, the opportunities and room for growth are endless as well.


Will the local community be involved in some way?

Davis: Part of hosting the TEDx event specifically is that, according to our TEDx Manual, we can have sponsorships, which can pull in the community. Aside from that, in order to connect to the local community, the option for having some of the speakers for the big event be from the local area is a nice perk to including them in the Frostburg State University campus community.


Q: Are there any requirements for joining this organization?

Davis: There are no requirements for joining this organization. Anyone who has any interest in the organization as a whole is more than welcome to join! As I mentioned, the ‘end goal’ will be to host our own TEDx event in the spring semester, making it an annual event around that time, with many more in the future, and in order for that to be successful, the more the merrier!


Q: When will the first interest meeting will be?

Davis: Our first interest meeting is set for Wednesday, November 3rd in CCIT 397 starting at 4:30pm! We will be in person, but if a student would like to attend but would be more comfortable attending in a virtual format, they can email me at for the Teams link for the event meeting. At this meeting, we will be going over the basics of who we are, how we are structured, and what our goals are going forward.


The Bottom Line would like to thank Madison for taking the time to answer our questions, and we look forward to seeing the future of TEDxFrostburgStateUniversity flourish. We want to congratulate the organization on the success of their first interest meeting, but it’s certainly not too late to join and express interest in helping out!

For any questions regarding the organization, contact Madison Davis at

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