Setting the Scene for Film Studies at Frostburg State

With contributions from Vaughn Wallace, intern for Film Studies minor

There is more to everything then just what is seen on the surface.

Students in the Film Studies minor at Frostburg State embody this in their classes as they study the deeper levels of films: the impact of a film, what the film says about society, or what the film’s creators were trying to communicate to its audience.

The 18-credit minor can complement any academic major as it increases a student’s critical thinking and communication skills while enhancing their knowledge of filmmaking and its culture.

Sam Nelson, a junior Business Administration major enrolled in the Film Studies minor, noted, “What I like about the Film Study minor is that it provides great depth in the artistic side of cinema while bringing the historical and political backgrounds along with it. The films we watch give us a wider knowledge on how the world exists and existed back then. I highly recommend this minor for anyone who has the heart of film and sees the world in what it is.”

The minor focuses on classroom discussion and active engagement from its students to foster an environment to build critical thinking and communication skills in order to apply them to the medium of film making.

Photo Courtesy of Vaughn Williams
Photo Courtesy of Vaughn Wallace

The courses aim to teach students to identify the movie’s message and the impact on society. It also looks to explore films as a means of sharing culture from around the world and even potential societal reform through the societies highlighted in the film.

A Creative Writing major, senior Jack Clements, said, “I loved taking film because it revolves heavily on discussing characters and plot points as a means of communicating to the audience. I like studying storytelling, but traditional literature classes focus on writing technique more than stories themselves. I think all creative writing majors should take a film class.”

Dr. Kevin Kehrwald of the English Department coordinates the minor and teaches several of the courses. The faculty in the minor have a passion and appreciation for film.

Some of the courses in the minor include:

ENGL 207: Introduction to Film Studies – Students examine the importance of cinematography,

camera movement, editing, sound and other cinematic techniques related to a film’s meaning.

ENGL 281: Literature into Film – Students focus on how literary works are turning into film and

examine how the director and others interpret the adapted literary work.

ENGL 208: Film and American Culture – Students critically examine the role of film in

American culture and analyze the role it is has reflecting cultural beliefs.

ENGL 344: Film Theory – Students focus on world film and become familiar with theoretical

schools and movements related to film.

All of the courses for the minor can be found:

Ross Clapsaddle, a senior English major, stated, “The films minor is really interesting, and Professor Kehrwald is extremely knowledgeable in regard to the bigger pictures of films. The discussions are always engaging and help you look at films through a different lens.”

This minor helps students prepare for potential careers in various fields: directing, producing, marketing, public relations, graphic design or professional writing.

For more information about the Film Studies minor, visit:

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