New Senators, a Library Resolution and Funding Topics at Latest SGA Meeting

This past Thursday, Feb.  22, the Student Government Association (SGA) at Frostburg State University had its first senate meeting of the 2019 spring semester in the Atkinson room located in the Lane Center. During this meeting, new senators were sworn into SGA, a library resolution was reached, and funding was passed for PACS Committee Sustainability Grant, Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Incorporated, Savage Mountain Stage Combat Club, Lane University Center, PAWS Pantry, the American Association of University Women, and Safe Ride.

The evening started off with distress regarding the Lewis J. Ort Library’s current weekly schedule. The library’s current schedule has it closed the entirety of Saturday each week. The Lewis J. Ort Library is the only library to be closed on Saturday in the entire University System of Maryland. SGA acknowledged the dorm environment of various students on campus may be a hindrance to studying, so the opening of the library on Saturdays was an essential goal to reach. The library is closed on Saturdays due to staffing problems.  The resolution was easily passed with sponsorships from Vice President Jenna Puffinburger and President Ben Forrest. The library’s hours will be changing in the near future, operating on a seven-day-a-week schedule.

Following the passing of the library resolution, Tracy Edwards, a lecturer in the Geography department and Dr. Kara Rogers Thomas, a professor in the Sociology department, gave words regarding the PACS Committee Sustainability Grant. The funds for the elements regarding this program was old business, going as far back as last semester. Within the PACS Committee Sustainability Grant, there is a multitude of programs. These programs include FSU’s In-House Recycling Plant-Shredder, Transforming Trash, Reel in Recycle, Visual Art Exhibition, Sustainability Immersion Course – Cherokee, Speakers Mountain Maryland Chapter of Society for Conservation Biology, FSU’s Appalachian Festival, 2019 Alternative Spring Break at Pine Mountain Settlement School, and PlastiWalks. The grant fee was passed with the recommended total funding support of $17,624.50.

Funding for various other campus organizations came next. First, Iota Phi Theta wished to receive funding for tech services, ticket collectors, wrist banding, and ticket booth fees for their 16th Annual Stroll Competition. Funding was approved for this event.

The Lane University Center requested funding for increased security measures including a building-wide public address/background music system, two government-issued ID scanners, wiring, security cameras, and licensing. Funding was approved for these upgrades to Lane University Center.

The Savage Mountain Stage Combat Club requested funds to purchase multiple types of equipment that will benefit the club and the entire theater apartment. The request was granted, and the funds were approved.

PAWS Pantry requested funding to purchase shelving for the increase in food stock they have been experiencing. The request was granted, and the funding was allowed.

The American Association of University Women asked for funds to purchase a tri-fold marker board, tablecloth, and a lockbox for their organization. The request for these funds was granted.

SafeRide, one of the institution’s most-used organizations was the last organization on the senate’s agenda to request funding. SafeRide requested two university vans, one computer, and the capital cost of the new smartphone application. The funds for the request was granted.

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