“Shelter of Hope” – FSU Students Foster Pets in Wake of Hurricane Florence

Beginning the week of Monday, Sept. 10, students of Frostburg State University (FSU) teamed up with the Frostburg community in order to help temporarily house animals from the local Allegany County Animal Shelter. This event was particularly important as it was a measure the community had to take in preparation for Hurricane Florence. Those who work and volunteer for the shelter knew that they may encounter a variety of difficulties in trying to keep all of the shelter’s animals safe and dry because the shelter has previously experienced a number of issues related to heavy rain and flooding.
Anyone interested in fostering an animal filled out a simple application and, upon approval, was then able to take home the animal of their choice for up to a week. After that week was up, a number of students decided to extend the foster time of their new beloved four legged friend, while others committed to adopting their once temporary pet.
Many of those who chose to extend the foster period are now eagerly searching for a forever home for their animal. Allison Paul, a junior at FSU, is currently fostering a pitbull mix named Susie and will be fostering her until finding her a permanent home.
The shelter moved the animals who were unable to be fostered or adopted to a nearby unoccupied warehouse in Cumberland, Md., so those animals could also be assured safety and comfort in the harsh weather. Those who were unable to foster or adopt an animal were encouraged to donate to the shelter so that they had an appropriate amount of leashes and food for the animals housed at the warehouse.
The Allegany County Animal Shelter is, for good reason, known as a “Shelter of Hope,” meaning that is the only public shelter in the state of Maryland that never euthanizes animals in order to make more space. With the help of FSU students as well as the Frostburg community, the shelter has recently been able to uphold their mission to give every single one of their animals the best life possible.