Snowstorm Slams Frostburg

On Nov. 15, the first snowstorm of the season hit Frostburg. Earlier in the week, the storm was expected to only produce freezing rain. Then, the forecast changed – one to three inches of snow. Then it changed again – three to five inches of snow. As dawn was breaking on Thursday morning, some realized that a lot more than five inches of snow was bound to fall.

One weather forecast said the snow was supposed to stop at 2 p.m. – it didn’t. Late into the night, the snow stopped, and then the sleet started. All in all, Frostburg residents reported at least snowfall totals ranging from 8 up to 12 inches. All this snow was hiding a layer of ice, and a layer of ice covered the snow itself. These combined factors led to multiple traffic issues within the city, wherein drivers found it difficult to maintain traction on the slick roads, and especially on slopes within the city. Center Street was briefly clogged due to a stuck vehicle, along with other roads in the city.

FSU prepped students on Nov. 14 to be aware of the then-winter storm watch in the area. At 5:30 the next morning, the University announced that the campus was closed – it was the first snow day of the semester, and one welcomed by students. The following day, Nov. 16, the University announced that it would have a delayed opening. Just over two hours later, the University again closed, citing difficulties in addressing ice on campus. Multiple local businesses also closed on the 15th, as well as a few on the 16th.

The city of Frostburg lauded its snow removal efforts, saying that members of the Frostburg Street Department and the Frostburg Parks and Recreation Department worked from 5 a.m. on Nov. 15 until dawn on the 16th to clear roads. Likewise, FSU had to put in a bit of work to clear of its football field in preparation for the first round in the NCAA football tournament playoff game, which took place on Saturday. FSU President Nowaczyk was on hand at the clean-up as well, as he and his son shoveled off the stands in preparation for the game.

Could this snowstorm be an indicator of what kind of winter Frostburg will face this year? The Weather Channel predicts a chilly winter for Frostburg, with temperatures below average early in the season, and temperatures dipping into the well below average range by February.  February is expected to be the coldest month of this winter season, but only time will tell if that cold weather brings more snow and ice.

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