Strong Woman: That’s So Retrograde

Our generation is strong. We embody everything good about human nature and acceptance. Recently, I have been getting more and more into self-empowerment and the empowerment of others. We are strong people. It is harder than ever before to balance the stresses of school, work, friends, and other responsibilities. According to Active Minds, a non-profit organization dedicated to changing the conversation surrounding mental health, adults aged 18-24 are the least likely group of people to seek help for a mental illness. This age group, our age group, is struggling. Now, more than ever, self-love, self-empowerment, and building each other up are so important. To focus in on this empowerment, I decided to give a new podcast a try. Let me say right now how happy I am that I decided to do this.

The podcast that I decided on is “That’s So Retrograde” hosted by Elizabeth Kott and Stephanie Simbari. The podcast is focused on the hosts realizing and becoming who they are truly meant to be. They are real, and they are not afraid to be themselves. They recognize their mistakes, and they learn from them. The podcast is meant to empower themselves and their listeners. They want their listeners to find who they are supposed to be, as well, and be able to live their best lives. The podcast is under the category of Health, although they are so much more than that. They bring in and interview “gurus” of different life paths. They want opinions on everything under the sun and they want to share the wealth with their listeners. The podcast is not only dedicated to being the most healthy version of yourself physically, but also mentally and spiritually. In addition to being empowering, they are also hilarious.

The episode that I listened to was the most recent episode from March 7. The episode is called “To the Right, To the Right (guest: Stephanie Staidle).” The guest for this episode, Stephanie Staidle, is a business coach that is focused on utilizing the strengths of the right brain when creating or achieving your dream career. She has many insightful tips and ideas surrounding this topic. We are powerful people and we are able to do anything we want to do. The world is ours to take. There are so many more cliches that I could throw out, and they would all be true. There is no reason to let people tear us down or for us to tear ourselves down.
The podcast is available on iTunes in the podcast section, on Soundcloud, or on their website. Please give these ladies a listen. Empowerment of the human race is something that we should be doing every day. We are strong; we need to believe that.
“Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.” -Unknown