Students Attend Frostburg’s Career Summit

The Career Summit, a day-long career preparation event, was held on Friday, Oct. 25 in McLean, Virginia. Twenty-five students were chosen for the intensive and immersive learning experience which was held at Lochlin Partners, an executive search company in the Washington D.C. metro area. The event was organized by a committee of 12 faculty, staff, and students. Primary among them was Dr. Joan Andorfer who accompanied the students to D.C. Other notable organizers include Mrs. Amy Shimko, Student Development Director, Dr. Elizabeth Throop, Provost, and Mr. Tim Magrath, Department of Political Science.

Upon arrival in McLean, students were greeted by several Frostburg alumni who spoke on a variety of topics. Mr. Joe Records, class of 2006, J.D., promoted internships as an important tool in finding a future career. Ms. Amy Kelsch Bielski, class of 1997, CEO and President of Ripple Effect, prepared students for the workplace with helpful tips on dress and behavior. Others, including Mr. Michael Schoelen, class of 2014, and Mr. Joe Lambert, class of 1979, offered breakout sessions in particular fields, such as, “Careers in the White House,” “Starting Your Own Business?,” and “Careers in the Sciences.” Moreover, students were afforded the opportunity to network with our alumni and get advice on resume building. Closing remarks were offered by Dr. Thomas Bowling, former Vice President for Student Affairs, Emeritus who spoke on the difference between influence and power, how to build trust, and intellectual arrogance versus intellectual humility.

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The evening ended with a two-hour reception to which all alumni in the D.C. metro area were invited. The casual ambiance allowed for students to interact with potential job contacts in a stress-free and comfortable environment. After exchanging business cards and handshakes, the students departed for Frostburg.

Senior Ricky Whitmore, a student attendee reflected on the event saying, “I feel like I accomplished months worth of networking in the space of a day thanks to the Career Summit.”

Sophomore Delanie Blubaugh felt that the inclusion of alumni was essential because “we were able to bond over our experiences at Frostburg State and that bond is something that could potentially blossom into job opportunities in the future.”

Senior Emily Hoyt remarked that the Career Summit “showed me that I shouldn’t narrow my sights on future jobs and should keep my mind open to new possibilities.”

The Career Summit was made possible by the generous financial sponsorship of Lochlin Partners, the Frostburg Foundation, the J. Glenn Beall Institute for Public Affairs, the College of Business, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the Office of Alumni Relations.


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