The Importance of Homecoming

If you ask someone what homecoming is, they might say it’s a dance, or a football game, or a reason to party. While all these answers are not wrong, they also aren’t quite correct. The tradition of homecoming has a lot more to do with the celebration of togetherness and the return of alumni. As you’ve probably heard, homecoming is when the alumni come back to the school they graduated from to celebrate their college days. The school often holds many events, such as a football game, spirit week, and tailgates. The reason for all this is to let the alumni know they are still a part of their college’s ever-growing family. Homecoming also increases school spirit and gives students a reason to rep their school. 

Without homecoming, students are simply going to school to get their degree, graduate, and never come back. The only interaction they might receive is a phone call or two from their school asking for a donation.  How lame would that be? We, as human beings, often need a little motivation, or a pull to do things. Homecoming is the pull that brings alumni back. They’ll remember going to football games with their friends and think “maybe it’ll bring back memories from the good old days,” or maybe they’ll catch up with old friends. Without homecoming, there’s just not a good enough reason to go back to the school you graduated.

Homecoming also keeps the smaller college towns alive. If you give alumni and their families a reason to come back, they will. And when they return they will want to see every place that has a fond spot in their memory. Due to this, a lot of businesses welcome alumni and hold special events for them to come home to.

Another great thing about homecoming is the networking opportunities. Many alumni have become successful after they graduate and come back to share their success stories. Students currently in school can learn from them, and even get names and numbers to job and internship opportunities. We often learn to use our social network, and alumni are a great place to start. 

So if you missed this week’s homecoming festivities, think about participating next year. With all the fun activities and opportunities, homecoming is one of the greatest college traditions. After all, one day you’ll be an alumnus, and homecoming will be tailored around you.

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