The Infamous CCIT Door

You’re on your way to class. It’s not the first time you would be late, but it’s cold so you’re in a hurry. Nothing can stop you. Not even the frigid, freezing Frostburg wind. Three minutes until class, you got this. Class is in CCIT and as you approach the door you let out a sigh of relief. You’re going to make it.

Just kidding.

You forgot that you have yet to encounter the biggest obstacle Frostburg State University has to offer: the CCIT door. You know the one. Sometimes you get lucky and it’s easy to open, other times you struggle. Well, don’t worry fellow students, you are not alone. Every day, you are sure to see someone struggling to open the door. Sure, there’s an automatic switch to open it, but it’s awkwardly placed on the other side, making it a whole obstacle course to use. Who knew a door could cause so much frustration? You pull hard, knowing the strength required to open the door, but no luck. Is it locked? Classes have been going for the past six hours, it should be open. You try again, no luck. Defeated, you start to walk to the other door, and just as you do, a small girl approaches the door you were just struggling with. You wonder if you should tell her to not even bother. You decide against it just as she opens it with ease. You stand there in shock. What is with this door? How can a mindless object be so infuriating?

If you take a look at the door, you notice that it is longer than most doors, as well as kind of thin. The handle is placed awkwardly, and it’s further from the edge of the door than most handles. I’m sure no one has thought about it this hard, but come on! Who designed this door? It’s almost as if someone has a switch to unlock and lock it and hides in a bush, waiting to play tricks on random students. Or maybe, it gets stuck when you’re in a hurry? The wind certainly doesn’t help us, when trying to open that door either. Maybe the door is just a metaphor for life?

If we really think about it, we know that life is full of opportunities. Sometimes the right ones present themselves and other times, they don’t get us very far. Without opportunities, life would be boring, and the drive to do bigger and better things would vanish. In fact, many people see opportunities as doors: they open, and they close. This can be frustrating because it becomes a continuous round of trial and error, very much like our favorite CCIT door.

Regardless of it all, that door is really annoying and frustrating. There is no way it was designed without the thought of the ability to open with ease, and yet, here we are, struggling to get to class due to a door.

But you know what? It won’t stop us! We will find other doors, or opportunities, however, we want to look at this. When one door closes, another one opens!


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