The March For Our Lives

The March for Our Lives took place in the nations’s capitol, Washington, D.C., on March 24, 2018. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the country attended the event.
According to The New Yorker, the March that advocated for gun control was significantly inclusive. Many people thought of it as merely a rally for victims of school shootings. Yet, there were speakers of many different walks of life telling their story about the difficulties of gun violence. Lucy Macbeth, the mother of Jordan Davis, a victim of gun violence spoke at the March. Davis was the victim of a racially motivated shooting because his murderer was not fond of his loud music.
The March For Our Lives set a great example for future marches for other causes; inclusiveness is key for a cause as significant as this. The Stoneman Douglas High School shooting peaked a lot of people’s interest in the cause recently, and having different victims of gun violence speak helped to educate even more people. American citizens come from various demographics and backgrounds, but a lot of the same problems effects us on different levels. It’s imperative that these marches unify citizens. It will be easier to accomplish the goal of gun control together. Inclusiveness will be the glue that bonds us to fight for a bigger cause.
With so many citizens from different backgrounds pushing for gun control, the U.S. government may be more inclined to work towards fixing the problem. The New York Times tells readers that American’s are able to purchase a gun in less than an hour; it only requires a background check that looks for domestic violence and a person’s immigration status. Other countries have stricter processes for their citizens to own a firearm. These countries laws include classes, mental health checks, home interviews, gun classes, checks for drug abuse.
Other countries want to ensure that their citizens are not abusing the right to own a firearm, so they take the extra precaution. Unfortunately, America does not have any preventative measures to stop these tragedies from occurring so often. The victims of gun violence are weary with using hashtags to express their grief with these situations; now they are stepping up trying to make change come forth. In addition, people who have not endured a tragedy by gun violence want to take action to stop it as well. Nobody wants to become a hashtag because of our politician’s reluctance to pass gun control laws.