What to do in Frostburg on National Ghost Hunting Day

As the weather gets colder, and the trees become barren, we are approached by a frightful, yet welcome season. We reach for our sweaters, hoodies, mugs of coffee and cocoa, and our favorite pair of fuzzy socks. October brings Halloween, and Halloween brings out the paranormal enthusiast in all of us! What better way to kick off this year’s spooky season than with National Ghost Hunting Day? Traditionally celebrated the last Saturday in September, National Ghost Hunting Day kicks off with many events across the nation.

In Kentucky, they celebrate with the ScareFest, a big festival filled with ghost hunting fans and believers of the paranormal. In numerous places, they hunt for ghosts with paranormal trackers and other ghost hunting tech in places you would least expect to find ghosts. You can find something to do on this day in many other places, to include our very own Frostburg! Just around the corner at the Gunter Hotel, the World’s Largest Ghost Hunt will take place. So, if you’re ready to look for some paranormal activity get your tickets and head over to the hotel on Saturday, Sept. 28th at 10:00 p.m.

If this seems a bit too extreme, don’t worry! You have other options. Less scary options, at that. At Curtis and Grammy Kind Kids, also on Main Street, you can take part in a psychic reading with Pam Jenkins! You can even get a private reading, on Friday from 11:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m with tickets starting at $50.00.

If the private reading is not for you, On Saturday, from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., you can just go to the psychic gallery for $25.00 a ticket or $35.00 for a VIP ticket that sits you in the front and gets you a meet and greet with Jenkins. If this interests you, call to reserve your ticket at 240-284-2222!

With this exciting information, take the time to hunt ghosts, and celebrate the start of spooky season! Because we all know, it only gets scarier from here.

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