FSU Men’s Soccer Takes Two Consecutive Losses

Frostburg State University (FSU) Men’s soccer was defeated twice this past week. Once at home by Davis and Elkins, and once away by West Virginia Wesleyan.

At home this past Sunday, Davis and Elkins shared possession with Frostburg. Unfortunately for the Bobcats, by the fourteenth minute, Davis and Elkins took the lead as Christhian Bosquez scored the first goal of the game. Frostburg kept the score 1-0 throughout the first half and was only really able to get one shot on goal to test out the Davis and Elkins keeper. For the first 20 minutes of the second half, Frostburg kept Davis and Elkins at bay, until Bosquez played a pass to Daniel Cereszo who scored after rounding Joel Assal, the Frostburg senior keeper. With about 4 minutes remaining in the second half, Zach Harpel, a freshman midfielder for Frostburg, flicks the ball off a free-kick and scored, making the score 2-1. Unfortunately, Davis and Elkins countered with a goal of their own as Magnus Ammundsen made a shot 30 yards out. The final score was 3-1 with Davis and Elkins as the winner.

On Wednesday night, Frostburg took on West Virginia Wesleyan on the road. The beginning of the game kept the fans on their toes as multiple shots on both goalkeepers kept the game interesting. At halftime, the score was remained 0-0. Within the second half, Javier De Ona Garcia scored the first goal of the game. His teammate, Nika Monaselidze, followed him and scored the second goal that put West Virginia Wesleyan up by two. Frostburg had multiple shots on goal but was never able to finish any of them. Frostburg took the loss on the road. This loss made their record 4-5-1.

Frostburg’s last game of the week on Saturday, October 9 against Salem was canceled.

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