Men’s Lacrosse Comeback Attempt Falls Short in 6-4 Loss to Mary Washington

Two last minute goals scored by Nick Stailey and Tate Rolland weren’t enough for the Frostburg State University men’s lacrosse team (No. 18) to make a late comeback against the Mary Washington Eagles. The Bobcats lost 6-4.

Tate Rolland scores his second goal of the game (Brad Kroner)
Tate Rolland scores his second goal of the game (Brad Kroner)

Neither team could gain much traction in the first half as neither team could break through the opposing defense. Miles Davis scored first for the Eagles to gain an early lead, but Tate Rolland, a junior attack from FSU, tied the score at 1-1. Mary Washington’s Jack Bondurant and FSU’s Nick Stailey traded goals to make the score 2-2 going into the second half.

In the third quarter, the Eagles scored three goals, to make a 5-2 lead from which the Bobcats couldn’t recover.

With 30 seconds left in the game, Rolland scored his second goal of the game. Just ten seconds later, Stailey, who leads the Capital Athletic Conference in goals, scored his second goal.

Devin Colegrove, a senior who is tied with Rolland for second on the team in goals, was shut out, though he did have an assist.

Eagles goalkeeper Colin Bressan dominated the Bobcat offense, holding them to four goals on 35 shots, while making 19 saves.

“One of our biggest enemies were ourselves,” said FSU Head Coach Tommy Pearce, who added that “we were sloppy” when taking shots.

Colegrove agreed that the team played sloppy, saying there was “not good placement on shots.” He also said that the team focused on defense too much, and the defense got tired late in the game.

Limiting turnovers and maintaining possession for most of the second half, the Eagles kept ball away from the Bobcats as time ticked off the clock.

“This is a wakeup call,” said Stailey. “We can’t take anything for granted.”

This game had serious playoff implications, as the Bobcats now likely need to win the CAC Championship in order to qualify for a bid in the NCAA tournament.

Players celebrate after Rolland's first goal of the game. (Brad Kroner)
Want to see highlights from the game? Download the “Aurasma” app on your smart phone, follow The Bottom Line, click on this image, and focus your phone on the image.(Brad Kroner)

“I’m still confident as hell,” said Stailey. “We just have to shed this off and play the best we can going forward.”

On Saturday, April 18, the Bobcats travel to St. Mary’s College for each teams’ final conference game before the CAC tournament.

Photos belong to The Bottom Line/Brad Kroner

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